Die Demokratiese Alliansie is verbind tot uitnemende dienslewering. Saam kan ons berge versit. The Democratic Alliance is committed to service excellence. Together we can move mountains. SAVE KOUGA. VOTE DA ON 18 MAY 2011

here if you have any comments about the Democratic Alliance in the Jeffreys Bay region.

02 December, 2010

Change to ward number and voting station

The latest delimination process has resulted in the number of wards in the Kouga Municipality being increased from 10 to 15 for the 2011 municipal elections.

The new Ward 8 boundaries are Petunia/Myrtle Street in the south and the whole of Wavecrest on the upper side (in the direction of the Fountains Mall) of Dr. A D Keet Street. Residents who live in this area will have to re-register for the municipal elections next year.

The Ward 8 voting station will be at Dutch Reformed Church Complex, which is identified as voting district 10140062. This is the number of the bar coded sticker that should appear on page 2 of your identity document.

Independent Electoral Commission officials will be conducting house-to-house calls on the 3, 4 & 5 December 2010 to re-register voters. However, to ensure that you are re-registered, you are advised to go to the municipal building on the corner of Maple and Thunder Tree Street (near the old cemetery). Take your identity document along with you.

You may also visit the Independent Electoral Commission office at the Country Club in Humansdorp between 08h00 and 16h00 during the week. Take your identity document along with you.

Should you experience any problems, please contact the Ward 8 Democratic Alliance Chairman at 042 296 1721 or Nico Botha at 042 296 2215.

Wyksnommer en stempunt verander

Weens die nuwe afbakening met die oog op die munisipale verkiesing in 2011, sal die Kouga-munisipaliteit voortaan uit 15 wyke in plaas van 10 bestaan.

Inwoners wat in Wavecrest aan die bokant van Dr. A D Keetstraat (in die rigting van die Fountains-winkelsentrum) woonagtig is, sal voortaan in Wyk 8 in plaas van Wyk 3 val.

Die stempunt vir Wyk 8 is die NG Kerkkompleks en die nommer daarvan is 10140062. Hierdie nommer moet op die registrasie-plakkertjie op bladsy 2 van u identiteitsdokument verskyn.

Om u te help om te herregistreer, sal die Onafhanklike Verkiesingskommissie op 3, 4 en 5 Desember 2010 beamptes van huis tot huis stuur om inwoners tuis te registreer. Om egter te verseker dat u wél geregistreer word, word u aangeraai om die munisipale gebou langs die ou kerkhof in Wavecrest op die bogemelde datums te besoek. Dit is geleë op die hoek van Maple- en Thunder Tree-straat. Neem u identiteitsboekie saam.

Andersyds kan u die Onafhanklike Verkiesingskommissie-kantoor op Humansdorp besoek. Dié kantoor is by die buiteklub geleë en is op weeksdae tussen 08:00 en 16:00 oop. Onthou om u identiteitsboekie saam te neem.

Tree asseblief met die Demokratiese Alliansie-takvoorsitter van Wyk 8 by tel. 042 296 1721 in verbinding as u probleme ondervind. U kan ook vir Nico Botha skakel. Sy telefoonnommer is 042 296 2215.