Die Demokratiese Alliansie is verbind tot uitnemende dienslewering. Saam kan ons berge versit. The Democratic Alliance is committed to service excellence. Together we can move mountains. SAVE KOUGA. VOTE DA ON 18 MAY 2011

here if you have any comments about the Democratic Alliance in the Jeffreys Bay region.

30 July, 2010

Die DA aan 't werk

Steun vir voorstel oor loonsubsidie

Die Ekonomiese Oorsig vir Suid-Afrika 2010 van die Organisasie vir Ekonomiese Samewerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) wat pas bekend gemaak is, spreek sterk steun uit vir Pravin Gordhan, die Minister van Finansies, in sy stryd met Cosatu oor beleid ten opsigte van ’n loonsubsidie vir jeugdiges.

Tim Harris LP, ’n DA-lid in die Gekose Komitee op Finansies, verwelkom die aanbevelings in die Oorsig. Hy sê ’n sterk saak vir die beleid oor ’n loonsubsidie wat die Minister van Finansies vanjaar in sy Begrotingsrede aangekondig het, word uitgemaak.

Harris wys daarop dat die OESO-verslag jeugwerkloosheid heel tereg as ’n baie groot ekonomiese uitdaging vir land uitken. Bo en behalwe die inwerkingstelling van beleid oor ’n loonsubsidie vir jeugdiges, beveel OESO verskeie hervormings aan wat werkloosheid sal verminder. Die DA het hulle almal tevore reeds as beleidsvoorstelle bekend gemaak.

Harris voeg by dat dié ingrepe dit vir nuwe werksoekers en veral jeugdiges makliker sal maak om die arbeidsmark te betree en die vaardighede en ervaring wat hulle nodig het om mee te ding, te verkry.

Die DA verwelkom ’n sterker samewerking tussen Suid-Afrika en OESO oor beleid. Die lede van hierdie klub van 31 van die voorste nywerheid-ekonomieë ter wêreld beheer ’n aansienlike deel van globale beleggings. Hul mening oor Suid-Afrika se ekonomiese bestuur kan dus ’n ware invloed op beleggingsvooruitsigte in ons land hê. Dit is belangrik dat ons die aanbevelings in hul hoogs aangeskrewe navorsing ter harte neem, sê Harris.

Click here to read the English text: http://www.da.org.za/newsroom.htm?action=view-news-item&id=8510

28 July, 2010

Helen se weeklikse nuusbrief - 26 Julie 2010

Ons bars deur die rassegrens

Die rede is dat ras ‘n baie sterk mobiliseerder is, nes kultuur, taal en geloof. Dié dinge skep ons identiteit. Ons het almal‘n ware en belangrike behoefte en om aan iets te behoort. Al hoe meer Suid-Afrikaners besef egter dat‘n ander politieke keuse hul identiteit nie bedreig nie. Juis die teenoorgestelde, trouens. Ons kan elkeen net met vertroue wees oor wie ons is as ons sorg dat álmal daardie reg het. Elke keer as ons vir ander se regte opstaan, verdedig ons ons eie.

Suid-Afrikanersrs besluit al hoe meer om mekaar te beoordeel aan wat Martin Luther King die “inhoud van ons karakter” genoem het, in plaas van die kleur van ons vel. Ons verkies om op die grondslag van gesamentlike waardes bymekaar te kom – integriteit, billikheid, diens, verdraagsaamheid,‘n soeke na uitnemendheid. Dit tel veel meer as die dinge wat ons verdeel.

Suid-Afrikaners wat dié keuse maak, kom binne die Demokratiese Alliansie byeen. Dit is waarom die DA in prof. Lawrence Schlemmer se woorde “die mees nie-rassige party wat Suid-Afrika nog ooit gehad het” geword het.

Vandeesweek het ons gesien hoe dié neiging versnel. Ons het drie tussenverkiesings gewen in wyke waar ons nog nooit te vore gewen het nie. Ons het nou reeds sedert verlede jaar se verkiesing elf nuwe wyke verower. Die heel opwindendste gebeurtenis vanjaar was egter dat ons deur nóg ‘n rassegrens gebars het. In die politieke omgewing is dit soos om deur die klankgrens te bars. Dis ‘n geskiedkundige oomblik. As ons die kans aangryp, sal dit die begin van‘n nuwe era inlui.

Elke nuwe DA-oorwinning bewys dat Suid-Afrika se demokrasie werk. Mense kies uit vrye wil.

Niks kan beskryf hoe opwindend dit is om in die middel van die nag‘n SMS te kry wat sê dat ons pas‘n meerderheid van 52% gekry het in‘n stemdistrik waar daar nie‘n enkele minderheidskieser is nie, net swart Suid-Afrikaners wat uit vrye wil besluit het om die Demokratiese Alliansie te steun. Net‘n jaar gelede het net 1,8% van die kiesers ons in Mkhondo in Mpumalanga gesteun. Sedertdien het die mense wat daar woon,‘n ander keuse gemaak. Dit bevestig wat ons in Mei vanjaar in die tussenverkiesing in Grabouw gesien het. Kiesers wat nou anders kies, is nie dislojaal nie. Inteendeel. Dit is waaruit alle suksesvolle demokrasieë bestaan.

Dit is ook die gevolg van‘n uitsonderlike, volgehoue inspanning en toewyding. Dit bewys ons kan dit doen. Dit stuur ook‘n duidelike boodskap aan politieke ontleders wat aan die hand doen dat ons steeds‘n party net vir minderhede is. Die kiesers stem nie met julle saam nie. Ons weet almal dit kos die ontleders gewoonlik‘n klompie jare om die kiesers in te haal.

Wat dié ontleders nie verstaan nie, is dat die DA nooit‘n party net vir minderhede kan wees nie, al dink sommiges dit is strategies goed om dit te wees. Ons hele bestaansrede is om die opvatting dat etniese en rassenasionalisme die enigste manier is waarop Suid-Afrikaners die politiek kan bedryf, uit te daag. Dit is wat ons doen. Ons bou‘n nuwe meerderheid.

Daarom voel ek veral opgewonde oor die talle jong mense, uit elke agtergrond, wat die DA hul politieke tuiste maak. Hulle begin orals opduik, en gaan hul plekke binnekort in leiersrolle orals in ons party begin inneem. Om hulle te ontmoet, en met hulle te gesels, maak‘n mens werklik optimisties oor Suid-Afrika se toekoms. Omdat hulle die DA kies, gaan ons party en ons land geheel en al verander.

Baie van ons besef nie hoe belangrik ons vordering is nie. Soms kos dit‘n buitestaander om daarop te wys.

Tydens die Wêreldbeker was dit my voorreg om internasionale leiers te ontmoet wat deur die bank verstaan watter groot prestasies die DA behaal het.

Hulle weet Afrika kan nie slaag as Suid-Afrika se demokrasie nie slaag nie.

Hulle verstaan die belangrikheid van ons party se groei van net meer as 300 000 kiesers in 1994 tot net minder as 3 miljoen kiesers verlede jaar. Ons het dit gedoen deur‘n alternatief vir rasse- en etniese nasionalisme te bied.

En dit druis waarlik teen die logika van die geskiedenis op ons vasteland in.

Click here for the English text: http://www.da.org.za/newsroom.htm?action=view-news-item&id=8509

24 July, 2010

Het jy geweet?

• Die nasionale departement met die meeste verkwistende besteding is die Departement van Openbare Werke, wat ongeveer R99 miljoen bestee het.

• Die mees verkwistende provinsiale regering is die ANC se KwaZulu-Natalse Provinsiale Regering, wat R120,5 miljoen aan verskeie items bestee het.

• Die staatsentiteit wat die meeste bestee het, is die SABC, wat R23 miljoen aan onnodige gehuurde ruimte en ’n propaganda-video waarin pres. Jacob Zuma geloof word, uitgegee het.

• Lindiwe Sisulu, die Minister van Verdediging, is verantwoordelik vir die grootste besteding aan motors sedert die jongste verslag van die Monitor van Verkwistende Besteding in April: ongeveer R7 miljoen ten opsigte van ’n vloot van vier Mercedes-Benz E-klas-voertuie.

• Entiteite wat verslag doen aan S'bubu Ndebele, die Minister van Vervoer, het die meeste aan Wêreldbekerkaartjies bestee, naamlik R20 miljoen.

• Min. Ndebele was ook verantwoordelik vir die duurste selfverheerlikende reklame – R1,2 miljoen. Elke koerant-insetsel het 27 volkleur-foto’s van die Minister self bevat. Wat was nou eintlik die doel met dié bylaag?

Verkwistende besteding

ANC bestee R1,5m aan homself, nie aan die armes nie

’n Jaar het verloop vandat die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) sy Monitor van Verkwistende Besteding ingestel het om met verkwistende en vrugtelose besteding deur die ANC-administrasie tred te hou.

Lindiwe Masibuko LP, die DA se nasionale woordvoerder, het tydens ’n onlangse perskonferensie gesê dat ANC-ministers, -adjunkministers asook die departemente en entiteite wat aan hulle verslag doen, bykans R1,5 miljard aan onnodige items soos luukse motors, lang verblyf in vyfsterhotelle, kaartjies vir groot sportgeleenthede, selfverheerlikende reklame en uitspattige partytjies by toprestaurante bestee het.

Mazibuko wys daarop dat dié soort besteding ’n growwe wanaanwending van openbare geld verteenwoordig en geen voordele vir die mense van Suid-Afrika inhou nie.

Waar die DA regeer, is besparingsmaatreëls ingestel om te sorg dat geld nie verkwistend bestee word nie, en ons mens-gesentreerde beleidsdoelwitte weerspieël, sê Mazibuko.

Wekroep tot aksie

Komende Saterdag (24 Julie) gaan die opening van die DA se Federale Kongres landswyd regstreeks op sowel die SABC as e.tv. uitgesaai word. Elke uitsending gaan die klem plaas op die openingsrede deur Helen Zille, die DA se leier, wat net ná 10h30 op Saterdagoggend gaan plaasvind. Die openbare uitsaaier gaan die rede regstreeks op SABC uitsend.

22 July, 2010

DA legal opinions on rates boycotts

The DA has done extensive research to be able to advise the DA local municipal councillors. The various opinions are as follows:

Willem Doman, DA Shadow Minister for Local Government
• Does not recommend this as an option because the Systems Act Section 119 prohibits councillors to partake in such actions;
• According to the act the term “dispute” does not exist, especially in a group action;
• Only an individual may object to a municipal rates account, but has to pay and once the battle has been won, may they claim a refund plus 1% interest;
• Doman further advises that the MEC and the province must first be approached and then summoned as they are responsible when a municipality fails and if there is no result, the National Minister has to be charged.

Adv SP Rosenberg SC advised the DA
• That rates cannot be legally withheld;
• Only individuals may withhold rates where a specific amount is charged to an owners account for services e.g. “refuse removal” not delivered or an “error on a municipal account” which cannot be resolved. This is the essence of Section 102 - 20 of the Systems Act).

Attorney Leon Van Rensburg, DA Federal Council Member, advises that mass rates boycotts for the lack of service delivery has to still be tested in court.

Piet Botha Attorney & DA Councillor in Welkom
• Agrees with Rosenberg that the ratepayers will not have protection in court;
• Botha’s own constituency tabled a motion at the Free State Provincial Congress for permission to test this issue in court and resolve the confusion and various opinions for once and for all;
• the DA Free State is now going to table this matter at the DA Federal Congress this weekend, July 23-25, 2010.

Attorney Fritz de Klerk, DA employee at the DA Federal (Head-) Office advised DA Leader Helen Zille as follows:
• One fundamental mistake is to ignore the affordability principle. If a municipality cannot afford to provide certain services, there is little one can do to force it to render a service. The constitution for example provides that everyone has a right to adequate housing, yet many people do not have access to housing, simply because government cannot afford to build millions of homes at once. The same applies to municipalities and municipal services.
• One can argue that should financial mismanagement be the cause of a municipality’s failure to provide services, one should be entitled to withhold payment. This argument does not hold water as legislation provides for non-performing municipalities to be placed under administration of the Province. The ratepayer will then have to pay the provinces, but payment will ultimately have to be made.
• Municipalities must ensure that municipal services are provided to the local community in an equitable and financially and environmentally sustainable manner.
• A lot of weight is attached to Section 102 which provides that a municipality may implement any of the debt collection and credit control measures provided for in the Municipal Systems Act in relation to any arrears on accounts. The act specifically says MAY. You cannot get blood from a rock, so in certain circumstances, especially in the case of informal settlements, a municipality may elect not to collect debts. It is the prerogative of the municipality to collect debts. It must, as stated before, however be done in a financially sustainable manner.
• In terms of section 76(b)(iv) of the Municipal Systems Act, a municipality decides who will provide a service, not an individual or group of individuals. According to Willem Doman, the community cannot unilaterally decide who will render the service and then appoint such service provider. This is completely wrong. They can form a “community based organisation” and apply to deliver a service, but ultimately, the council will decide who must render the service in terms of section 77.

Published by the Democratic Alliance - Humansdorp

See also

Dit laat 'n mens dink - Rdl. Nico Botha

Die Uitvoerende Burgemeester het onlangs in die Kouga-raadsaal met trots aangekondig dat die munisipaliteit ‘n “ongekwalifiseerde” ouditverslag ontvang het vir die 2008/09-finansiële jaar. As raadslid en lid van die oorsigkomitee het ek insae in die konsep-jaarverslag gehad.

Voorheen het Jan Publiek, oftewel die belastingbetaler, groot vertroue in die bevindings van die Ouditeur-Generaal gehad. Enige verslag behoort egter in konteks gelees te word om die inhoud daarvan ten volle te verstaan.

Tans is die 2008/09-jaarverslag van die Kouga-munisipaliteit ter sprake. As inwoner moet u kennis neem van alle opmerkings in die verslag sodat u kan kennis neem van die ware toedrag van sake.

Enkele opmerkings in die verslag van die Ouditeur-Generaal word vervolgens ter inligting aangehaal:

Emphasis of matter
Without qualifying my opinion, I draw attention to the following matters.

Unauthorized, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure
9. As disclosed in note 43.1 to the financial statements, unauthorized expenditure to the amount of R2 million was incurred due to the following:
• Overpayment to a deceased employee’s dependants/estate
• Credit facilities for credit cards

10. As disclosed in note 43.2 to the financial statements, fruitless and wasteful expenditure to the amount of R24.8 million was incurred due to the following:
• Late payment to creditors
• Late submission of the Employer Reconciliation Declaration to SARS
• Payments for the termination of a director’s contract and for the suspension of directors for prolonged periods
• Tender awarded to a contractor for the remedial work due to poor workmanship by the original contractor
• Illegal dumping activities.

11. As disclosed in note 43.3 to the financial statements, irregular expenditure to the amount of R37 million was incurred during 2008/09 due to the following:
• Non-compliance with the MFMA
• Supply Chain Management Regulations deviations including irregularities over the competitive bid process where the signature of municipal officials was forged on requisitions.

16. Contrary to section 32(6)(a)&(b) of the MFMA the accounting officer has not reported to the SAPS all cases of alleged irregular expenditure that constituted a criminal offence and theft and fraud that occurred in the municipality.”

Ek sou heelwat meer kwessies vir u uit die verslag kon aanhaal. Op bladsy 109 verskyn daar byvoorbeeld die name van persone wat transaksies met familielede gesluit het Die verslag praat van “transactions with close family members of persons in the service of the state.”

Die vraag is: wat beteken ‘n “ongekwalifiseerde ouditverslag”? Moet dit die belastingbetalers tevredenheid en gerusstelling gee? Die antwoord hierop is n onomwonde nee.

20 July, 2010

Helen's weekly newsletter - 18 July 2010

We must honour Mandela by upholding his values

Today we join the rest of the world in wishing Nelson Mandela a happy 92nd birthday. Many will celebrate his legacy by devoting 67 minutes of their time to serving others.

Former President Mandela sacrificed a great deal during his life in service to all South Africans. We should honour his example every day by striving to do the same. And we should be mindful that service in South Africa is grounded in values of selflessness, integrity, non-racialism and freedom for all under the law.

While Nelson Mandela symbolises these values, the ANC has long ceased to do so.

Selflessness? Not when R1,5 billion of taxpayers' money is spent on cars, ministerial stays in five-star hotels, World Cup tickets, self-congratulatory advertising and lavish parties.

Integrity? Not when senior ANC politicians can avoid justice by manipulating institutions of state and undermining their independence.

Non-racialism? Not when ANC youth leaders describe anything they oppose as a "white tendency" and sing about killing 'boers' without rebuke from the party leadership.

Freedom for all under the law? Not when there is one law for ANC leaders and another for their political opponents.

The great irony is that the more the ANC diverges from Nelson Mandela's vision, the more the ANC seeks to own it.

Today, a rally is being held in Mvezo village to honour Nelson Mandela in his place of birth.

The ANC issued a press release about this rally which reveals its lack of respect for the essence of Madiba's legacy. The ANC press release announces that the event is "organised jointly by Parliament and Government" and that it is "aimed at celebrating the noble values and virtues that Madiba embodies."

The drafters of the ANC press release ironically demonstrate just how far that party has strayed from Nelson Mandela's legacy. They reveal the ANC's conflation of the party and the state. Parliament does not belong to the ANC. But it is clearly convenient for the ANC to brand the rally as its own, while Parliament and the National Government pay. It is, in essence, an ANC event being funded by the taxpayer (despite a slot for "messages of support from political parties"). Six ANC leaders are on the programme, including Jacob Zuma who will give the keynote address.

This rally is the most recent example of the ANC's determination to link Jacob Zuma and Nelson Mandela in the public mind. Another was the scheduling of Zuma's State of the Nation Address this year on the date of Mandela's release from prison. The occasion was themed 'Celebrate the legacy of Mandela - Contribute to Nation-Building'. And who can forget the sight of a frail-looking Madiba being rolled onto stage at the ANC's final election rally in 2009?

The ANC is doing all it can to create the illusion that Jacob Zuma is the custodian of Madiba's legacy.

He is not.

We must remember that former President Nelson Mandela was a constitutionalist. He believed, in his own words, that the Constitution was a "sacred covenant". As he said when our interim Constitution was adopted:

"We enter into a covenant that we shall build a society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity - a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world."

Like all true democrats, Mandela knew that real liberation requires the powerful to be bound by a constitution that limits their power. Without his leadership, our nation's founding compact - which puts power in the hands of the people instead of the politicians - would never have emerged.

Jacob Zuma and his clique on the other hand believe that liberation means unfettered power for the ruling party to impose its will. As ANC Chief Whip Mathole Motshekga said earlier this year, "Jacob Zuma has a mandate from 11 million people, so he can do what he likes." More and more, elements in the ANC are openly attacking this "sacred covenant" as they look for a scapegoat to blame for their own delivery failures. Their approach scorns the legacy of Nelson Mandela.

A commitment to the Constitution is the key difference between the ANC today and the ANC under Nelson Mandela. It is also what distinguishes free and prosperous societies from those that are not.

Free and prosperous societies around the world don't have much in common. Some cover huge geographic areas, others are small principalities. Some are islands, others are land-locked. Some are ethnically diverse and others are not. Some were colonisers and others were colonised.

But, whatever their differences, all free and prosperous societies are constitutional democracies. They are open, opportunity societies where people are free to be who they want to be and free to become the best they can be. This was the society Mandela described from the dock in 1964:

"I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."

Nelson Mandela's grandson Mandla Mandela MP has said: "the legacy of Madiba belongs to his family first and to the ANC."

I disagree. The ANC does not own Mandela. The ANC gave up its claim to Mandela's legacy when it diverged from the values he cherished. Instead, Mandela's legacy belongs to all those people in South Africa, from all backgrounds, who still value selflessness, integrity, non-racialism and freedom for all under the law.

Kliek hier om die Afrikaanse weergawe van hierdie item te lees: http://www.da.org.za/newsroom.htm?action=view-news-item&id=8507

16 July, 2010

Defective overspending budget has all warning lights flickering

INSIGHT - Bobby Stevenson

NOW that a successful World Cup is over, we cannot sit back and bask in the glory of its aftermath. We need, once more, to focus on the very real issues of service delivery.
Last month, on the eve of the World Cup, the provincial legislature passed a defective budget with huge implications for health and education opportunities.

The Democratic Alliance took the historic step of voting against the budget. Our opposition, in particular to the budgets for the two big departments of health and education – which constitute 75 percent of the budget or R36 billion out of R48bn – have resulted in us not being able to support the provincial budget this year.

We do not believe the figures for Health and Education have integrity. These departments are going to overspend and not keep within their existing budgets. This was confirmed by the MEC for Health, Phumulo Masualle, who, in reply to my question, informed the house that the budget for Health was not adequate.

The director-general for Health, in an interview with the Daily Dispatch, was also quoted as saying that he needed R2,9bn more.

The budget figures that have been approved are simply not credible. There are cost structures in place that are now running and at this stage there is not secured funding to sustain this.

If these two main departments overspend again they will plunge this province into financial chaos. Last year the province overspent by R2.8bn, of which R2bn will be topsliced from the equitable share over the next three financial years. If we again overspend by R2.8bn there will be no increase in the provincial budget next year.

It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We cannot simply go forward in faith when there is no guarantee that funding will be secured. The budget needs to be re-prioritised.

Given the pressures on the national fiscus it is unlikely that this province will receive a national bailout. Given this assumption, it is important that we look inward for solutions. This means tighter financial management and public private sector partnerships, as well as value for money.

This is linked to the DA’s second objection to the present budget: the tender process. There is an urgent need for this province to undergo tender reform. It has been estimated that up to 20 percent of our goods and services and capital budget is being lost through corrupt tender practices. By this I am referring to rip-offs, over-pricing, poor workmanship and outright corruption. In our province this would amount to R2,6bn. This figure is higher than 11 out of the 14 departmental budgets.

An initial and simple step which could be taken is to prevent provincial employees trading with the province.

In April, the acting superintendent- general of the Education Department, Professor Harry Nengwekhulu, whose contract expires today, stated that up to 90 percent of senior officials were trading with the department and that it was rotten to the core.

Thirdly, this budget is not innovative enough to meet the needs of the province. A budget is a political instrument whereby the governing party implements its policies and ideology.
From the DA’s perspective a budget that is underpinned by the concept of a developmental state and cadre redeployment can never provide full value for money.

The ruling party needs to break out of its ideological strait jacket. It cannot be ideology as usual when it is service delivery unusual. The following questions arise:

Could a major hospital be run more efficiently if the management of that hospital was outsourced to the private sector and that same hospital was allowed to collect its own fees?

Could one maintain some schools better if one sold off surplus land around those schools and used those funds for the improvement of the infrastructure of those schools?

Is there not scope for examining whether one could exchange provincial land for a development or road, for example, with a private entity?

If some of these ideas were implemented it would release funding to meet shortfalls in other departments. It is time to be innovative and embrace the lessons learnt from the World Cup where the private sector, working with government, made the soccer showcase a success. It is the business of government to regulate and the business of the private sector to operate.

Fourthly, we believe that the amount of savings that have been identified from non-core expenditure – R484m – is insufficient. There are other cuts that can be made.

Last year in June and November the DA warned that this province was sitting on a fiscal time bomb, particularly concerning the Health budget. This has huge implications for the overall financial wellbeing of this province. Once more the danger lights are flickering.

This budget needs to be reworked, re- prioritised and certainly become a lot more innovative.

Bobby Stevenson is an MPL, DA leader in the legislature, and the party’s EC spokesperson on finance

From the Daily Dispatch - 16 July 2010

Munisipaliteite skuld Eskom R163 miljoen

’n Onlangse antwoord op ’n Parlementêre vraag deur die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) het onthul dat munisipaliteite en Metro’s orals in die land Eskom R162,8 miljoen skuld.

Manie van Dyk LP, die skaduminister van openbare ondernemings, sê daar is ’n massiewe onderbreking in die betalingsverhouding tussen munisipaliteite en Eskom. Dit raak ook gewone Suid-Afrikaners wat moontlik weens munisipaliteite se onbevoegdheid kan ly. Van Dyk sê daar moet dringend ’n beroep op ingryping gemaak word.

Onlangs het David Ross LP, die skadu-adjunkminister van energie, Van Dyk ingelig dat elf munisipaliteite in die Vrystaat – wat 54 dorpe en omtrent een miljoen mense dek – gevaar staan dat hul elektrisiteit afgesny gaan word. Ross sê dat Eskom sulke stappe “’n laaste uitweg” noem. Eskom het dié dorpe aangeraai om “alternatiewe reëlings te tref omdat die kragvoorsiening op 20 Julie 2010 afgesny sal word as geen skikking tussen Eskom en die munisipaliteite rakende die agterstallige skuld bereik is nie”.

Ross sê luidens die Parlementêre antwoord wat ontvang is, skuld munisipaliteite en Metro’s orals in die land R162,8 miljoen in totaal. Hiervan word sowat R109,3 miljoen blykbaar geskuld deur bepaalde ANC-munisipaliteite wat moontlike onderbrekings van hul kragtoevoer in die gesig staar. Ross bevraagteken die waarheid van die Minister se reaksie, en sê dat ander bronne hom ook ingelig het dat die skuld nét in die Vrystaat reeds R180 miljoen is.

Daar is geen rede waarom inwoners van dié munisipaliteite en dorpe moet ly omdat die plaaslike owerhede met die ANC aan bewind hul kragrekenings nie kan betaal nie, sê Ross. Hy voeg by dat ’n algehele onderbreking van die kragtoevoer na dié dorpe verlammende gevolge in die Vrystaat sal hê. In dié stadium is ingryping uiters noodsaaklik.

Van Dyk kritiseer plaaslike owerhede met die ANC aan die stuur en sê die vermoë om rekenings te betaal, is een van die eenvoudigste werksaamhede van enige regeringsliggaam op enige vlak. Om seker te maak dat die kragtoevoer in stand gehou word, en nooit onderbreek word nie, is ’n selfs eenvoudiger regeringswerksaamheid.

Van Dyk sê hy gaan aan die Minister vra presies watter stappe haar Departement doen om ’n opstapeling van sulke munisipale skuld in die toekoms te verhoed.

Click here to read the English version of this item: http://www.da.org.za/newsroom.htm?action=view-news-item&id=8478

Hersiene onderwysleerplan: DA verwelkom Minister se aankondiging

Dr. Junita Klopper-Lourens LP, die skaduminister van basiese onderwys, verwelkom die onlangse aankondiging deur Angie Motshekga, die Minister van Basiese Onderwys, dat die onderwysleerplan gewysig gaan word om van die wyd veroordeelde Uitkomsgebaseerde Onderwys (UGO) weg te beweeg.

Kloppers-Lourens sê die sleutelingryping is ’n terugkeer na, en veel sterker klem op, die gebruik van handboeke en inhoudkennis. As dit behoorlik uitgevoer word, sal dit hopelik ’n verbetering in onderwysuitkomste orals in Suid-Afrika tot gevolg hê.

Sy voeg by die hersiene leerplan sal die administratiewe druk op onderwysers ook verlig. Kloppers-Lourens sê dat onderwysers in elke vak in elke graad ’n enkele, omvattende en bondige Kurrikulum- en Beoordelingsbeleidsverklaring sal hê. Dié sal besonderhede bevat oor wat onderwysers vir elke graad en elke vak moet onderrig en beoordeel.

Kloppers-Lourens meld dat die DA strykdeur betoog het vir ’n klem op handboeke en inhoudkennis, saam met die benadering tot strategieë vir die verkryging van vaardighede wat in die Wes-Kaap ingestel is. Sy sê UGO was ’n rampspoedige wysiging van Suid-Afrika se skoolleerplan wat Suid-Afrika se eerste minister van onderwys in 1998 ingestel het.

Klopper-Lourens wens die Departement van Onderwys geluk met sy besluit om ’n mate van versigtigheid met die uitfasering van die huidige stelsel aan die dag te lê. Sy sê sy gaan aan die voorsitter van die Portefeuljekomitee op Basiese Onderwys skryf en vra dat die Minister voor die komitee verskyn. Sy moet besonderhede van die nuwe onderwysstrategie voorsien om seker te maak dat sowel leerders as onderwysers behoorlik baat.

To read the English version, click http://www.da.org.za/newsroom.htm?action=view-news-item&id=8470.

13 July, 2010

Ward 8 Committee Meeting - 29 June 2010


Dr. Nico Botha
Mr. Dave Aldendorff
Mr. Faan Louw
Mr. Theo Landman
Mrs. Denise Moyles
Dr. Barry Vosloo


Mr. Gerrie Botes
Mr. Varge Stanley


F. Louw opened the meeting with a prayer.


Apologies were received from G. Botes and V. Stanley. G. Botes would be advising the Chairman whether he would be available to continue working on the Ward 8 Committee.

Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the Progress Meeting held on 25 May was taken as READ. Proposed by T Landman and seconded by F Louw.

Matters arising from the minutes

A copy of the DAtanet was TABLED by B Vosloo.

B. Vosloo REPORTED that the new blogspot for the DA Jeffreys Bay Region had been developed on the internet. The address is www.da-jbayregion.blogspot.com

B. Vosloo EXPLAINED that the DAtanet had been developed with the purpose of
• being the mouthpiece of the DA in the Jeffreys Bay region;
• being a column for each ward and zone to communicate with each other;
• general DA news.

He APPEALED to the Works Committee to appoint a ‘scribe’ that would e-mail him copies of the minutes of meetings, newsletters and any information that would be of interest to Ward 8 members. His e-mail address is vosloobj@telkomsa.net

House meetings

Committee members were REQUESTED to ensure that at least one house meeting took place in each of the 4 blocks in Ward 8 during July 2010.


A list featuring the statistics of Ward 8 Block 6 was TABLED and circulated.

The Chairman reported that there were some 1268 houses in Wavecrest belonging to Ward 8, excluding Eedenglen. These had been divided into 12 Blocks of which
• 333 addresses had residents who were registered;
• 427 addresses had residents who needed to be re-registered;
• 508 addresses had residents who had not been registered.

T Landman was given responsibility for following up on this information in Block 1,
F Louw, Block 3, D Moyles Block 6, and D Aldendorff, Block 5. More volunteers were needed for the other Blocks.

It was NOTED that 228 members had been recruited to date and Ward 8 was challenged to achieve their target of 300 members by end November 2010.

The IEC would be approached to make themselves available to re-register households that were presently in Ward 3 and had to be transferred to Ward 8.

It was PROPOSED that self-addressed postcards be distributed through the Post Office and during the door-to-door visits in order to update personal details for the voters roll and help identify those residents who needed to register.

Reportback by Clr. Botha

N Botha INFORMED the meeting that the Demarcation Board has not yet finalized the voting areas.

Next meeting

It was NOTED that the next Ward 8 committee meeting would be convened at 14:00 on Tuesday, 27 July 2010, at the Jeffreys Bay Golf Club.


The meeting closed at 15:45.

12 July, 2010

Helen se weeklikse nuusbrief - 12 Julie 2010

Die welvaartgaping

Ons kan nou beslis sê dat die welslae met die Wêreldbeker iets is waarop alle Suid-Afrikaners trots kan voel. Ons het bewys ons het die middele om ’n mega-gebeurtenis van wêreldgehalte aan te bied, en het die doemprofete wat wou hê ons moet misluk, op hul neuse laat kyk.

Buiten dat dit ons ’n blik gegee het op wat ons kan bereik deur gekoördineerde lewering met vaste spertye, het die Wêreldbeker ook die omvang van die sosio-ekonomiese ongelykhede in ons land beklemtoon.

Dit is nou die geleentheid om oor dié aangeleenthede na te dink. Dis gepas as ons vra: Hoe kan ’n land wat die infrastruktuur en stadionne van wêreldgehalte betyds vir die toernooi gelewer het, ook so baie armoede en ongelykheid hê? En belangriker: Wat kan ons aan die saak doen? Hoe kan ons die welvaartgaping só oorbrug dat dit die welvaart uitbrei, eerder as die armoede?

Daar is geen maklike of vinnige antwoorde op sulke vrae nie. In hierdie nuusbrief wil ek dus ’n algemene mistasting wat talle mense hier en elders oor maatskaplike ongelykheid verkondig, aan die kaak stel.

Die aanname wat in talle ontledings ingebed lê, is dat die “rykes” net ten koste van die “armes” baat. Dié ontleding is gegrond op die gebrekkige veronderstelling dat maatskaplike verhoudings ’n nulsom-spel is: as iemand vorder, moet iemand anders dit ontgeld. ’n Kommentator het onlangs gesê: “Ons sien om ons die diefstal van geleenthede vir armes sodat dié wat reeds oorgenoeg het, kan baat.”

Só ’n ontleding is ewe simplisties as gevaarlik.

Dit is simplisties omdat dit nie van basiese ekonomiese beginsels kennis neem nie. Ekonomiese geleenthede is nie begrens nie – een persoon se geleenthede beteken nie dat iemand anders sýne ontneem word nie. Inteendeel, ’n geleentheid wat deeglik aangegryp word, vermenigvuldig ander geleenthede gewoonlik. As dít nie waar was nie, sou ’n ekonomie nooit kon groei nie. Dit is vir álmal moontlik om voorspoed te ervaar.

Die gedagte dat een persoon se welslae van iemand anders se teenspoed afhanklik is, is gevaarlik omdat dit mense in slagoffers verander. Dit stroop hulle van persoonlike verantwoordelikheid en selfversorgendheid. Dit bring ook die moontlikheid van botsings met diegene wat na hul mening ten koste van hulle voorspoedig is, mee. En dit stel die visier in op mense wat hul geleenthede benut het om hul lewens te verbeter. Hulle word as skurke uitgebeeld wat net ten koste van ander kon gevorder het.

Ons moet van dié verkeerde ontleding wegbeweeg en maniere vind om armoede en ongelykheid te bestry wat nie meebring dat suksesvolle mense in sondebokke verander word nie. Dit is moontlik om geleenthede na armes uit te brei sonder om dié wat nie arm is nie, die skuld te gee en te vervreem, want dit verminder geleenthede vir die armes, in plaas van om meer geleenthede te skep. Ons kan net slaag as ons ons vaardigheids- en kapitaalpoel behou en uitbrei. Geen ontwikkelende land kan sonder ’n sterk (en al hoe groter) belastingbasis oorleef nie, veral nie een met só ’n uitgebreide welsynstelsel soos ons s’n nie.

Luidens ’n onlangse studie deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Rasseverhoudinge ontvang 12,3 miljoen persone maatskaplike toelaes, wat deur 5,3 miljoen individuele betalers van belasting onderhou word. In sy kommentaar op die verhouding van ontvangers van maatskaplike toelaes vir elke belastingbetalers het die ekonoom Mike Schussler in Februarie tydens ’n ontbytvergadering ná die Begroting gesê: “Kyk na die afhanklikheidsverhouding – dit is drie mense vir elke belastingbetaler, en dit is onhoudbaar.”

Elke beleidskepper moet dit ten doel hê om die huidige afhanklikheidsverhouding om te keer. As ons wil oorleef en floreer, moet ons met ’n doelgerigte benadering tot werkskepping sorg vir meer belastingbetalers teenoor ontvangers van toelaes. Ek stem saam met diegene wat beklemtoon dat dit ons allergrootste nasionale prioriteit moet wees, en dat alle beleidskeuses daaraan gemeet moet word. Dit is mettertyd die enigste manier waarop ons die welvaartgaping nouer sal kan maak.

Die DA het ’n omvattende werkskeppingsbeleid, insluitende verreikende voorstelle om vaardigheidsopleiding uit te brei, ondernemerskap aan te moedig en meer buigsame arbeidswetgewing in te voer. Dit stel ook subsidies voor vir ondernemings wat jong mense wat die eerste keer begin werk, in diens neem. Dit was bemoedigend toe pres. Zuma vroeër vanjaar in sy staatsrede aangekondig het dat die regering só ’n loonsubsidie gaan instel, al het die ANC se bondgenoot, Cosatu, daarteen beswaar gemaak.

Ses maande later is dit duidelik dat die loonsubsidie (Pravin Gordhan, die Minister van Finansies, beraam dat dit teen 2013 sowat 500 000 nuwe werkgeleenthede vir jeugdiges sal skep) weens politiekery in die drieparty-alliansie doodgebore is. Dit is ’n tragedie, nie net vir die 3,1 miljoen werklose jong Suid-Afrikaners nie, maar vir almal wat dit met die vermindering van armoede en ongelykhede erns het.

Ek lees tans Greg Mills se uitstekende nuwe boek Why Africa is Poor – and what Africans can do about it. Hy verduidelik wat Afrikaners aan die saak kan doen. Hy betoog dat die vasteland nie arm is omdat die resep vir ekonomiese groei ontwykend is of towerkrag nodig is nie, want daar is trouens oorgenoeg suksesverhale wat Afrika-lande ter harte kan neem. Die vasteland is ook nie arm omdat dit van wêreldmarkte afgesonder word of omdat die mense nie hard werk, of omdat daar ’n gebrek aan natuurlike hulpbronne is nie.

Hy betoog dat die vasteland eerder as gevolg van swak beleidskeuses arm bly. “Beter keuses in belang van die breë publiek is baie dikwels nie in die leiers se persoonlike en baiekeer finansiële eiebelang nie.” Ons weet dat wanneer mense hul leiers nie by die stembus weens hul korrupsie of selfverrykende beleidskeuses straf nie, dan straf hul leiers húlle. Mills skryf:

“Die feit dat Afrika-leiers vir vernietigende besluite in eie belang ongestraf gelaat is, kan grootliks aan ’n betreklike gebrek aan demokrasie (of oorheersing deur ’n enkele party) toegeskryf word. Daar was min druk op leiers van onder af om beter keuses te maak.”

Die vermindering van armoede en ongelykheid sal ’n gesamentlike poging van ons almal verg – ryk en arm, swart en wit. Dit is inderdaad in almal se belang om dit te doen. Dit sal egter nie gebeur as ons ekonomiese geleenthede as ’n nulsom-spel beskou, of as ons toelaat dat gevestigde politieke belange die huidige stand van sake behou nie.

Dis tyd vir ’n nuwe benadering tot die uitbreiding van die ekonomie en die vermindering van die weeldegaping.

09 July, 2010

Verkwistende besteding – Uitspattige aankope van Wêreldbekerkaartjies - 9 Julie 2010

Lindiwe Mazibuko LP, die DA se nasionale woordvoerder, het ernstige kommer uitgespreek oor R110 miljoen aan openbare geld wat staatsdepartemente en -entiteite onlangs aan Wêreldbekerkaartjies bestee het. Dit was sodat ministers, adjunkministers, beamptes van departemente en ander “belanghebbers” kon gaan sokker kyk.

Mazibuko sê dit is ’n regstreekse skending van ’n opdrag van Pravin Gordhan, die Minister van Finansies, dat munisipaliteite nie die publiek se geld aan Wêreldbekerkaartjies mag bestee nie. Hy het ook aanbeveel dat nasionale en provinsiale staatsdepartemente dieselfde doen.

Mazibuko sê bo en behalwe die meer as R110 miljoen wat staatsdepartemente en -entiteite reeds aan Wêreldbekerkaartjies bestee het, het departemente en munisipaliteite waar die ANC in beheer is, onlangs ’n bykomende R17,3 miljoen aan onnodige luukshede bestee, wat die totaal op R127,3 te staan bring.

Onder meer behels dit R9,5 miljoen wat die Departement van Verdediging aan ’n pasgemaakte BBP-sitkamer by die Oliver Tambo Internasionale Lughawe vir die gebruik van Lindiwe Sisulu, die Minister van Verdediging, beamptes van die Departement en gaste bestee het. Voorts is daar die R3 miljoen wat bestee is aan ’n standbeeld van koning Shaka vir die nuwe Koning Shaka Internasionale Lughawe by Durban, wat verwyder is omdat Zweli Khize, die Premier van KwaZulu-Natal, en koning Goodwill Zwelethini nie daarvan gehou het nie, sê Mazibuko.

Die DA gaan aan pres. Jacob Zuma en Richard Baloyi, die Minister van Staatsdiens en Administrasie, skryf om te vra wanneer die Taakspan wat bykans ’n jaar gelede aangestel is om “staatsbesteding in die konteks van die ekonomiese ineenstorting” te bekyk, van plan is om ’n finale verslag in te dien, sê sy. Die versuim van die Presidensie en Taakspan om werklike stappe ten opsigte van verkwistende besteding te doen, toon ’n ernstige tekort aan politieke wil en leierskap, sê Mazibuko. Die President moet aan Suid-Afrika se mense verduidelik of hy van plan is om dié saak sterk aan te pak, en hoe, sê sy.

Die Wes-Kaap gee die toon aan wat besnoeiings aan besteding deur ministers betref.

In die volgende drie jaar het die DA-regering in die Wes-Kaap doeltreffendheidsbesparings ter waarde van R2,1 miljard in alle staatsdepartemente geïdentifiseer. Dit sal verseker dat meer geld bestee kan word waar dit werklik nodig is, en nie om die ego’s van ministers wat geheel en al met die lot van gewone burgers voeling verloor het, te streel nie, sê Mazibuko.

Korrupte kamerade: DA verwelkom ontslag van Gama - 9 Julie 2010

Pieter van Dalen LP, die skadu-adjunkminister van openbare ondernemings, het die onlangse ontslag van Siyabonga Gama, die uitvoerende hoof van Transnet-vragspoor, verwelkom. Hy noem dit ’n seldsame voorbeeld van gepaste stappe teen korrupte beamptes. Van Dale sê dié stap sal help om die gekweste beeld van die grondwet-beginsels van “toerekenbaarheid” onder die ANC te herstel.

Van Dalen voeg by dat die uitdaging daaruit bestaan om dié beginsel uit brei na ander lede van die staatsdiens wat hul posisie misbruik, of nie presteer nie.

Ondanks die verbrokkeling van mnr. Gama se verhouding met die direksie het ’n dissiplinêre proses bevind dat mnr. Gama aan alle aanklagte skuldig is. Dit sluit die volgende in: ’n “onherstelbare verbrokkeling van sy verhouding met Transnet”, versuim om te voldoen aan voorwaardes ten opsigte van ’n kontrak ter waarde van R800 miljoen om lokomotiewe op te knap, en veral die onreëlmatige toekenning van ’n kontrak ter waarde van R18 miljoen aan ’n firma met bande met Siphiwe Nyanda, die Minister van Kommunikasie, sê Van Dalen.

Die DA loof Barbara Hogan, die Minister van Openbare Ondernemings, vir haar beginselvaste standpunt ten opsigte van dié aangeleentheid. Van Dalen sê min. Hogan se optrede is ’n waterskeiding vir direksies wat aan die hand van standaarde vir goeie praktyk wil presteer en hulle nie deur magtige politici wil laat intimideer nie.

Lees ook http://da-jbayregion.blogspot.com/2010/06/da-neem-kennis-van-gama-se.html

06 July, 2010

Helen's weekly newsletter - 6 July 2010

Another step closer to the truth behind the toilets saga

One of the ground rules of political communication is captured in the aphorism: When you’re explaining, you’re losing.

But like all rules, there are exceptions. When things are not what they seem, I believe it is important to explain why. During the Erasmus Commission for example, people advised me to stop talking about the matter because I was merely playing into the hands of those trying to smear me.

I didn’t listen and instead used every platform to get the truth across. That we were vindicated of any wrongdoing, coupled with the High Court’s finding that former Premier Rasool had violated the Constitution in setting up the illegal Commission, justified my breaking this rule.

I have decided to break it again by explaining another poorly-understood issue: the “open toilets” saga.

Let me be clear at the outset: nothing justifies an open toilet. It is an affront to human dignity. But that is precisely why this saga, as it has been told and re-told over the past six months, makes so little sense. There are too many contradictions and unanswered questions. And too few facts.

The media have reported, again and again, that 55 families in Makhaza were forced to relieve themselves in full public view for over two years. This has been repeated so often, in various ways, that I believed it was true. I apologized in Parliament. And I asked myself: how was it possible for this to happen under a DA administration, and on my watch as Mayor?

But the more I thought about it, the less the story hung together:

If this project started in 2007, why did I only hear about it in January 2010? Why did no-one protest sooner?

Why did none of the numerous DA public representatives in Khayelitsha, ever raise the alarm?

Why had the vigorous local Khayelitsha media never reported on so newsworthy a matter?

During that period, I had participated in numerous talk shows on the local Khayelitsha radio station. Why had no listener ever called in to complain?

Even more mystifying was why the ANC didn’t use the “open toilets” against me in the run-up to the 2009 election?

And most puzzling of all: why did Andile Lili, the project’s paid facilitator since 2008 (as well as a local ANC Youth League leader), only start to protest against the project when it was 96% complete? Indeed, given that he was the project facilitator, why was he protesting at all?

The answer is simply this: there were, in fact, no open toilets in 2007 or 2008 or indeed until the end of 2009. The 55 toilets that remained open were those installed in the very final stage of the upgrading project -- in November 2009 -- when 96% of the 1,316 toilets provided for each family had already been enclosed. For some reason, the last 55 were not.

Following a newspaper photograph of an open toilet in January 2010, Mayor Dan Plato immediately ordered them to be covered, despite the objections of the 1,261 families who had enclosed their own toilets. But on January 25th, when the City arrived to enclose the toilets, they were prevented from doing so by a small group of people claiming to represent “the community”. Two subsequent attempts by the City to erect enclosures, were thwarted when the ANCYL tore them down, despite almost all the individual families requesting, in writing, that the City enclose their toilets.

During the time that the 55 toilets remained open, no person was “forced” to use them. The community is well serviced with an alternative option – one enclosed toilet for every five households which is the national norm for incremental upgrading projects. Given that 96% of the families in the project now have their own toilets, the communal toilets are free most of the time.

In other words, the repeated allegation that – “for two years, 55 families in Makhaza were forced to relieve themselves in full public view” – is entirely without foundation. .

Furthermore, as soon as the City learnt about the open toilets, they attempted to enclose them. But the ANCYL wanted them open, because it suited their agenda. The 55 open toilets happened to be located in the precise area where the ANCYL’s leading “thugocrats”, Andile Lili and Loyiso Nkohla, conduct their reign of terror. Given the contradiction between the community’s wishes and the ANCYL’s actions, there is only one conclusion: the open toilets were a direct result of the ANCYL’s intimidation in order to drive their political agenda.

I experienced this first-hand when I visited the area to speak to members of the community. I was informed that the last person to openly express opposition to the ANCYL, had to live with the consequences. Despite their palpable fear, the first two families I spoke to said they wanted the City to enclose their toilets. But then a menacing individual arrived, refused to give his name, and said people could only speak to the community through the “committee”. It was an instructive, if devastating, glimpse into life in a closed, fear-driven community, run by the “thugocrats” of the ANC Youth League.

Many people understand the political motives of the ANCYL, but argue that we should just put this to rest by providing the concrete-enclosed toilets?

This sounds fair and reasonable. So why can’t we erect concrete enclosures for the 55 families? And why did the 1,261 families who enclosed their own toilets, not demand concrete enclosures as well?

I put this to the officials working on the project. And I found the answer instructive.

The upgrading of informal settlements has two phases. The first involves the provision of infrastructure services: roads, stormwater, water, sewage etc. The second is the erection of a top structure (the house). It is essential to ensure that the two phases are aligned. If concrete toilet enclosures are provided on each erf during phase one, they must be removed in phase two in order to incorporate the toilet into the house. This means an additional cost of R4,000 per erf. This amount has to be deducted from the R75,000 subsidy for each family’s top structure. This means, in practical terms, that a concrete enclosure in phase one, will result in a house in phase two that is two square meters smaller than it would otherwise have been. If you enclose your own toilet in phase one, it can be incorporated into your house in phase two, and you will reap the benefit of a bigger house. This is why families choose to enclose their own toilets in phase one. It is an empowering and logical choice. That is, until the ANC Youth League decides otherwise.

The saddest aspect of this saga is the pitiful report of the Human Rights Commission, which is full of the factual inaccuracies required to reach the conclusion that the Council violated the human rights of the residents of Makhaza. It is the clearest possible demonstration of what happens when the ANC deploys its parliamentary cadres into institutions that are supposed to be independent of the ruling party. They become extensions of its power abuse instead of limits on its power.

Three years ago when the City was locked in a make-or-break battle with the Province over the unconstitutional Erasmus Commission, Professor Pierre de Vos took me to task for saying: “some judges allow themselves to be used and, unfortunately, (Judge) Nathan Erasmus is one of them.” Today, I repeat that in relation to the SA Human Rights Commission: Some Chapter Nine institutions allow themselves to be abused and, unfortunately, the SA Human Rights Commission is one of them.

Notule van ‘n Wyk 3-komiteevergadering - 24 Junie 2010

J Thiart (Voorsitter) Rdl N Botha, J Davel, dr. B Vosloo, C Womersley en H Thiart (Sekretaris)

Die Voorsitter heet lede van die vergadering welkom en die vergadering word geopen met gebed.

Notule van 27 Mei 2010.
Die notule word ter tafel gelê en goedgekeur. Voorsteller: C Womersley; sekondant: B Vosloo.

Sake voortspruitend uit die notule
Huisvergaderings: H Thiart rapporteer dat daar reeds sewe huisvergaderings gehou is. Dit is ‘n manier om kommunikasie tussen politici en DA-kiesers te bewerkstellig.

Ingeskrewe lede: Daar word fluks gevorder met die inskryf van lede vir die nuwe boekjaar wat 1 Oktober 2010 begin. Hierdie lede sal as geouditeerde lede beskou word vanaf 1 Oktober 2010 tot 31 Mei 2011. C Womersley vra hoekom dit so belangrik is dat lede ingeskryf moet word. Raadslid Botha verduidelik dat geouditeerde lede die aantal afgevaardigdes per wyk na kongresse bepaal en dat ledegeld en donasies help om die koste van die verkiesing te bestry.

Terugvoering vanaf die raadslid
Raadslid Botha lig die vergadering in dat die grense van die wyke op 24 Junie 2010 aangekondig is. Wyk 3 se grense is aanvaarbaar, maar gesprek sal gevoer word oor die grense van Jeffreysbaai-wyke 8, 11 en 14. Wyke 2, 3, 8, 11 en 14 sal ook voorsien word van die DA-doelstellings vir die komende munisipale verkiesing.

B. Vosloo rapporteer oor die terugvoering vanaf wyke aan die blog. Veertjie in die hoed van Wyk 3 wat die meeste inligting verskaf het.

Nuwe sake
• Gerugte dat die Kouga 2000+ party wil ontbind sal opgevolg word. Lede van die party het reeds by die DA aangesluit.
• Die kantoor van die Wyksraadslid kan nog nie gebruik word nie aangesien dit nog nie gemeubileer is nie.
• Die koopkrag-debakel blyk ongesiens verby te gaan. Die rdl. Botha sal by die volgende vergadering hieroor verslag doen.
• Die R860,000 wat verduister is bestaan uit R200,000 kontant en die res is tjeks. Die tjeks is nie gewissel nie.
• ‘n Spesiale Raadsvergadering insake die begroting moet nog gehou word.
• Die Minister wil ‘n “Accounting Committee” instel. Die “Oversight Committee” moet funksioneer en die ouditvVerslag moet deur die munisipale bestuurder beskikbaar gestel word.

Volgende vergadering
Die datum is nog nie vasgestel nie.

03 July, 2010

Minutes of the Jeffreys Bay Co-ordinating Committee meeting – 25 June 2010.

J. Thiart, H. Thiart, M.Ungerer, B. Vosloo, G Botes, D. Benson, J. Coetzee,
J Coetzee and D.Aldendorff.

N. Botha and P.Butler

The meeting was chaired by D. Aldendorff in the absence of N. Botha and opened with a prayer by M.Ungerer.

Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were considered and approved. Proposed by
J.Thiart and seconded by B. Vosloo.

Matters arising from the minutes
The meeting noted that although the closing date for membership was 31/05/2010 all branches should continue recruiting new members. Money collected for outstanding subscriptions and new members should be paid in on a regular basis at the Humansdorp office as in the past.

The meeting agreed that house meetings were excellent venues for recruiting new members and that all Wards should continue to arrange these.

The strategic plan for the 2011 municipal election
The Chairman reported that due to the absence of N.Botha the outline of the proposed action plan for the 2011 municipal election would be discussed at the next meeting.

It was noted that a meeting to discuss the Kouga strategic plans was due to be held in Humansdorp on June 28.

After discussion the meeting agreed that although a strategic plan for all the Wards would have a number of common objectives, certain of these might not be of equal importance to all Wards. For example, re-registration of voters was not as important to Ward 3 as it would be to Ward 8, where success depended on the IEC visiting Jeffreys Bay on a regular basis to register voters.

It was reported that parts of Hankey had been added to Ward 8 in the latest recommendations of the Demarcation Board but that the DA planned to object to this.

DA blog (DAtanet)
B. Vosloo reported that the blog was up and running. Its purpose is to serve as the mouthpiece of the DA in the Jeffreys Bay region. The success of the blog depended on contributions from the Wards. The Chairman of each Ward was requested to ensure that copies of the minutes of all their meetings, as well as newsletters, details of proposed fundraising events, meetings, etc., that need to be communicated to their Wards, are forwarded to him. His e-mail address is vosloobj@telkomsa.net. Details of the blog will once again be sent to some 400 email addresses currently on record.

The meeting congratulated B.Vosloo on the success of his project.

Wards were requested to send him the the email addresses of any new members.

M.Ungerer reported that donations totalling some R3 900 had already been collected from the farmers in the Patensie area and further meetings with them were planned.

The fundraiser featuring artist Tony Noble realised an amount of some R2 100. She thanked H.Thiart and other volunteers for their assistance.

Although the golf day was a success, no actual figures of the amount raised were available at the time of the meeting. The meeting noted that some of the participants had criticised the prizes on offer. The meeting expressed their concern that this could negatively affect the success of next year’s event.

The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to M.Ungerer for the refreshments and use of her home for the meeting.

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs M. Ungerer, 11 Cherry Street, Wavecrest, on Friday 6th August 2010, at 15:00.

01 July, 2010

Korrupsie word beloon ... Minister moet verduidelik - 1 Julie 2010

Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) sal ’n beroep op die Minister van Landbou doen om voor die Portefeuljekomitee te verskyn en te verduidelik waarom die voormalige uitvoerende hoof van die Landbank, Phil Mohlahlane (wat weens ’n korrupsieskandaal afgedank is), in ’n ander senior pos in die Departement aangestel is.

Dr. Lourie Bosman LP, die skaduminister van landbou, bosbou en visserye, sê die Minister moet verduidelik waarom mnr. Mohlahlane se skandalige vorige gedrag geheel en al geïgnoreer is, en waarom hy nou vertrou word met ’n verantwoordelikheid waar openbare geld betrokke is.

Onlangse mediaberigte onthul dat mnr. Mohlahlane onlangs as uitvoerende hoof van die Limpopo-landbouontwikkelingskorporasie aangestel is. Dié hou toesig oor die toekenning van miljoene rande se projektoelae in die provinsie, sê Bosman.

Mnr. Mohlahlane is uit sy vorige pos by die Landbank ontslaan nadat ’n forensiese oudit verskeie ernstige onreëlmatighede in die bestuur van die Agri-SEB-fonds onder sy beheer getoon het. Bosman sê dat mnr. Mohlahlane homself persoonlik uit die fonds verryk het. Ondersoeke het onthul dat van die geld gebruik is om die uitspattige lewenstyl van verskeie individue met politieke bande te onderhou.

Bosman kritiseer die ANC-regering, en sê die rondskuif van korrupte beamptes is sake soos gewoonlik. Mnr. Mohlahlane is net een van verskeie beamptes teen wie aantygings van korrupsie gemaak is, maar wat stilletjies in nuwe poste aangestel is. Geen stappe is trouens teen hulle gedoen nie.

Bosman sê die DA gaan aan die Minister vra of sy dié mening toegedaan is, en so ja, hoe die Departement homself kan verskoon.

Voter registration in new Ward 8 - 1 July 2010

Although the final boundary of the new Ward 8 will only be finalised in October, your Ward Committee has identified most of the voters living in Wavecrest who will need to re-register at their new voting station at the NG Church (voting district 101 400 62).

We have also established that there are still a large number of residents in Ward 8 who are not registered to vote. Over the next three months volunteers will be canvassing all these people to let them know when voter registration is take place in Jeffreys Bay.

This will require a tremendous amount of work and anyone wishing to assist should contact the Chairman, Dave Aldendorff, at 042 296 1721.

At present there are already 254 members of the Democratic Alliance in Ward 8 and for anyone wishing to join the fee is R10 per person per year.