Die Demokratiese Alliansie is verbind tot uitnemende dienslewering. Saam kan ons berge versit. The Democratic Alliance is committed to service excellence. Together we can move mountains. SAVE KOUGA. VOTE DA ON 18 MAY 2011

here if you have any comments about the Democratic Alliance in the Jeffreys Bay region.

04 June, 2011

DAtanet becomes dormant

The purpose of DAtanet was to provide a channel of communication between the Democratic Alliance of the Jeffreys Bay region and interested folk in our community in view of the 2011 municipal election.

Die munisipale verkiesing is agter die rug. DAtanet het hopelik aan sy doel beantwoord en sal tydelik gestaak word - totdat die volgende munisipale verkiesing aanbreek.

1 comment:

  1. Dankie vir uitsoek-berigte en artikels. Die blog het aan meer as sy doel beantwoord: dit het insig in vele politieke kwessies gebied. Dit sal gemis word.


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