25 October, 2010
Ward 3 DA meeting - 30 September 2010
Minutes of a Ward 3 Democratic Alliance meeting held on the 30th September 2010.
J Thiart (Chairperson) C Womersley, Dr. B Vosloo, J Davel, Councillor N Botha and H Thiart (Secretary)
Opening and welcome
The chairman extended a word of welcome to all present and opened with a prayer.
Conformation of the minutes of 5th August 2010
The minutes were previously circulated and taken as read. Approved. Proposed: J Davel. Seconded: C Womersley.
Matters arising from the previous minutes
Ward 3 AGM could not take place as scheduled for the 27th August 2010. Unfortunately it coincided with an event in the NG Church Centre and the members who turned up did not constitute a quorum. A new date was set for the 14th October 2010 at 17 Tamarisk Square at 17:00.
Report back by Councillor Botha
(i) Ward 3 Tecoma voting station: 4079 voters. Approximately 1000 voters will have to re-register in the new word 8 ( NG Church).
(ii) The final delimitation of the wards were published in Provincial Gazette No 2438 dated 31th August 2010. The DA will have to work very hard and encourage every registered voter in wards 3,8 and 11 to vote en masse. Wards 2 and 14 (Pellsrus and Aston Bay/ Paradise Beach/Tokyo
Sexwale) will need a lot of work and motivation amongst the brown
and black voters to vote for the DA.
(iii) The pre-paid meter contract has been cancelled. Approximately R4.5 mil. is still outstanding. Hopefully the money will be recovered by the Municipality.
(iv) Eleven applications were received for wind farms in the Kouga area.
(i) To date 134 new DA members have been registered in Ward 3.
(ii) A House meeting was held on 11th August at 11 Chestnut Street. 10 people attended.
(iii) A branch committee meeting for the newly elected Ward 3
committee will be held on 26th October 2010.
J Thiart
J Thiart (Chairperson) C Womersley, Dr. B Vosloo, J Davel, Councillor N Botha and H Thiart (Secretary)
Opening and welcome
The chairman extended a word of welcome to all present and opened with a prayer.
Conformation of the minutes of 5th August 2010
The minutes were previously circulated and taken as read. Approved. Proposed: J Davel. Seconded: C Womersley.
Matters arising from the previous minutes
Ward 3 AGM could not take place as scheduled for the 27th August 2010. Unfortunately it coincided with an event in the NG Church Centre and the members who turned up did not constitute a quorum. A new date was set for the 14th October 2010 at 17 Tamarisk Square at 17:00.
Report back by Councillor Botha
(i) Ward 3 Tecoma voting station: 4079 voters. Approximately 1000 voters will have to re-register in the new word 8 ( NG Church).
(ii) The final delimitation of the wards were published in Provincial Gazette No 2438 dated 31th August 2010. The DA will have to work very hard and encourage every registered voter in wards 3,8 and 11 to vote en masse. Wards 2 and 14 (Pellsrus and Aston Bay/ Paradise Beach/Tokyo
Sexwale) will need a lot of work and motivation amongst the brown
and black voters to vote for the DA.
(iii) The pre-paid meter contract has been cancelled. Approximately R4.5 mil. is still outstanding. Hopefully the money will be recovered by the Municipality.
(iv) Eleven applications were received for wind farms in the Kouga area.
(i) To date 134 new DA members have been registered in Ward 3.
(ii) A House meeting was held on 11th August at 11 Chestnut Street. 10 people attended.
(iii) A branch committee meeting for the newly elected Ward 3
committee will be held on 26th October 2010.
J Thiart
Lesse uit die moeder van alle toesmeerderye geleer
(Click here to read the English text)
Die Valke het verlede week aangekondig dat hulle die ondersoek na die wapentransaksie sluit. Daar was geen openbare bohaai nie. ’n Mens bereik ’n punt waar ’n land aan skandaal-uitputting begin ly. Korrupte regerings (veral dié wat taamlik seker is dat hulle weer aan bewind gaan kom) weet dat die meeste korrupsieskandale uiteindelik doodloop as die toesmeerdery lank genoeg uitgerek kan word. Die Wapentransaksie is ’n goeie voorbeeld. Die Valke se aankondiging is maar net die jongste in ’n reeks Wapentransaksie-toesmeerderye wat oor ’n hele dekade heen strek.
’n Opposisieparty kan dit nie bekostig om aan skandaal-uitputting te ly nie. Ons sal steeds bly grawe, en ons glo dat die waarheid oplaas tog sal seëvier. Ons is byvoorbeeld steeds betrokke by ’n hofsaak teen die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag se besluit om aanklagte van korrupsie teen pres. Zuma terug te trek. Die wyse waarop pres. Zuma se regspan in die afgelope dekade elke moontlike vertragingstaktiek gebruik het om te sorg dat die wesenlike saak nie in ’n bevoegde hof beslis word nie, is in eie reg ’n skandaal. Die misbruik van die strafregstelsel in die toesmeerdery van die Wapentransaksie sal selfs meer skade aan ons land se konstitusionele demokrasie doen as die korrupsie self.
Noudat die Valke dié saak laat vaar het, is dit belangrik om na te dink oor wat oor die afgelope dekade gebeur het, en onsself ’n paar vrae af te vra. Hoe het die ANC dit reggekry om só lank so ’n massiewe korrupsieskandaal waarby so baie individue betrokke was, toe te smeer, en skotvry daarvan af te kom? Waarom het al die meganismes van ons grondwetlike demokrasie – die media, die howe, die opposisie – misluk, en kon hulle net aan die oppervlak van dié aangeleentheid krap? Wat sê dit oor ons vermoë om die terugsakking in die korrupte en kriminele staat wat so baie ander lande op ons vasteland vernietig het, te keer?
Klik hier om die res van Helen se weeklikse nuusbrief van 22 Oktober 2010 te lees
Die Valke het verlede week aangekondig dat hulle die ondersoek na die wapentransaksie sluit. Daar was geen openbare bohaai nie. ’n Mens bereik ’n punt waar ’n land aan skandaal-uitputting begin ly. Korrupte regerings (veral dié wat taamlik seker is dat hulle weer aan bewind gaan kom) weet dat die meeste korrupsieskandale uiteindelik doodloop as die toesmeerdery lank genoeg uitgerek kan word. Die Wapentransaksie is ’n goeie voorbeeld. Die Valke se aankondiging is maar net die jongste in ’n reeks Wapentransaksie-toesmeerderye wat oor ’n hele dekade heen strek.
’n Opposisieparty kan dit nie bekostig om aan skandaal-uitputting te ly nie. Ons sal steeds bly grawe, en ons glo dat die waarheid oplaas tog sal seëvier. Ons is byvoorbeeld steeds betrokke by ’n hofsaak teen die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag se besluit om aanklagte van korrupsie teen pres. Zuma terug te trek. Die wyse waarop pres. Zuma se regspan in die afgelope dekade elke moontlike vertragingstaktiek gebruik het om te sorg dat die wesenlike saak nie in ’n bevoegde hof beslis word nie, is in eie reg ’n skandaal. Die misbruik van die strafregstelsel in die toesmeerdery van die Wapentransaksie sal selfs meer skade aan ons land se konstitusionele demokrasie doen as die korrupsie self.
Noudat die Valke dié saak laat vaar het, is dit belangrik om na te dink oor wat oor die afgelope dekade gebeur het, en onsself ’n paar vrae af te vra. Hoe het die ANC dit reggekry om só lank so ’n massiewe korrupsieskandaal waarby so baie individue betrokke was, toe te smeer, en skotvry daarvan af te kom? Waarom het al die meganismes van ons grondwetlike demokrasie – die media, die howe, die opposisie – misluk, en kon hulle net aan die oppervlak van dié aangeleentheid krap? Wat sê dit oor ons vermoë om die terugsakking in die korrupte en kriminele staat wat so baie ander lande op ons vasteland vernietig het, te keer?
Klik hier om die res van Helen se weeklikse nuusbrief van 22 Oktober 2010 te lees
23 October, 2010
Quote of the Week
“The greatest check on corruption is the willingness of voters to hold their representatives to account by voting them out of office. Only when politicians are really frightened of voters who are prepared to use the power of the ballot to change their government, is it really possible to hold corrupt politicians accountable. The more opportunities for voters to do this, the less corruption there will be.” - Helen Zille
Spanning in Ministerie: DA gaan min. Blade Nzimande vra om voor die Parlement te verskyn
(Click here to read the English Text)
Ian Davidson LP, die DA se Hoofsweep, het kommer uitgespreek oor onlangse spanning in die Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding. Min. Blade Nzimande is in nóg ’n skandaal met die direkteur-generaal (DG), Mary Metcalfe, betrokke. Na bewering het hy haar gevra om te bedank. Davidson sê indien dié berigte waar is, moet die Minister sy besluit aan die Parlement kom verduidelik. Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) gaan dr. Nzimande dus vra om voor die Portefeuljekomitee op Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding te verskyn.
Davidson sê talle bronne doen aan die hand dat daar botsings tussen die Minister en die DG was, na bewering oor sy duur buitelandse reise en verblyf in luukse hotelle tydens sy ampstermyn in die Kabinet.
Hy voeg by dat die DA aan die voorsitter van die Portefeuljekomitee op Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding gaan skryf en versoek dat dr. Nzimande voor die komitee moet verskyn om vrae oor sy departement te beantwoord. Dit is hoog tyd dat die Minister openlik en deursigtig moet wees oor die sake van ’n departement met die verantwoordelikheid vir toesig oor die onderwys en opleiding van ons mense, sê Davidson.
Ongelukkig is dit nie die eerste keer dat die Minister by omstredenheid betrokke was nie. In sy kort ampstermyn het hy hom aan onetiese, selfbevredigende en oordadige besteding skuldig gemaak, onder meer die aankoop van ’n luukse BWM as sy ampsmotor, en lang tye van verblyf in duur hotelle, sê hy.
Davidson sê die DA is bekommerd dat aantygings dat die DG moontlik in die pad gesteek is, ná talle bedankings, oorplasings, en die ontslag van direkteure-generaal in die Zuma-bewind die ronde doen.
Augustus 2009: Portia Molefe, die DG van Openbare Ondernemings, bedank
April 2010: Jessie Duarte, die Bedryfshoof in die Presidensie, bedank
Junie 2010: Jimmy Manyi, die DG van Arbeid, word geskors
Julie 2010: Thozamile Gwanya, die DG van Landelike Ontwikkeling en Grondhervorming, bedank
Julie 2010: Mamoduphi Mohlala, die DG van Kommunikasie, word afgedank
September 2010: Vusi Mavimbela, die DG van die Presidensie, word oorgeplaas
Dié skuiwe in die hoogste vlakke van die staatsdiens hou niks goeds vir dienslewering in nie. Suid-Afrika se mense is geregtig op ’n mate van konsekwentheid in die departemente wat hulle dien. Die Minister moet minstens die aantyging van onmin in sy Departement bevestig of ontken, sê Davidson.
Ian Davidson LP, die DA se Hoofsweep, het kommer uitgespreek oor onlangse spanning in die Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding. Min. Blade Nzimande is in nóg ’n skandaal met die direkteur-generaal (DG), Mary Metcalfe, betrokke. Na bewering het hy haar gevra om te bedank. Davidson sê indien dié berigte waar is, moet die Minister sy besluit aan die Parlement kom verduidelik. Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) gaan dr. Nzimande dus vra om voor die Portefeuljekomitee op Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding te verskyn.
Davidson sê talle bronne doen aan die hand dat daar botsings tussen die Minister en die DG was, na bewering oor sy duur buitelandse reise en verblyf in luukse hotelle tydens sy ampstermyn in die Kabinet.
Hy voeg by dat die DA aan die voorsitter van die Portefeuljekomitee op Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding gaan skryf en versoek dat dr. Nzimande voor die komitee moet verskyn om vrae oor sy departement te beantwoord. Dit is hoog tyd dat die Minister openlik en deursigtig moet wees oor die sake van ’n departement met die verantwoordelikheid vir toesig oor die onderwys en opleiding van ons mense, sê Davidson.
Ongelukkig is dit nie die eerste keer dat die Minister by omstredenheid betrokke was nie. In sy kort ampstermyn het hy hom aan onetiese, selfbevredigende en oordadige besteding skuldig gemaak, onder meer die aankoop van ’n luukse BWM as sy ampsmotor, en lang tye van verblyf in duur hotelle, sê hy.
Davidson sê die DA is bekommerd dat aantygings dat die DG moontlik in die pad gesteek is, ná talle bedankings, oorplasings, en die ontslag van direkteure-generaal in die Zuma-bewind die ronde doen.
Augustus 2009: Portia Molefe, die DG van Openbare Ondernemings, bedank
April 2010: Jessie Duarte, die Bedryfshoof in die Presidensie, bedank
Junie 2010: Jimmy Manyi, die DG van Arbeid, word geskors
Julie 2010: Thozamile Gwanya, die DG van Landelike Ontwikkeling en Grondhervorming, bedank
Julie 2010: Mamoduphi Mohlala, die DG van Kommunikasie, word afgedank
September 2010: Vusi Mavimbela, die DG van die Presidensie, word oorgeplaas
Dié skuiwe in die hoogste vlakke van die staatsdiens hou niks goeds vir dienslewering in nie. Suid-Afrika se mense is geregtig op ’n mate van konsekwentheid in die departemente wat hulle dien. Die Minister moet minstens die aantyging van onmin in sy Departement bevestig of ontken, sê Davidson.
17 October, 2010
Aanhaling van die week
"Die ANC het die Menseregtekommissie (MRK) nou in ’n ekwivalent van ’n ‘Erasmus-kommissie’ verander, en gebruik die vyeblaar van konstitusionele onafhanklikheid hiervoor. Die Menseregtekommissie is een van die Grondwet se Hoofstuk 9-instellings (soos die Openbare Beskermer) wat veronderstel is om onafhanklik te wees en magsmisbruik te verhoed. Deur kaderontplooiing het die ANC egter seker gemaak dat kaders wat in die eerste plek teenoor die ANC lojaal is, aan die hoof van dié instellings staan. Talle van die Hoofstuk 9-instellings het dus uitbreidings van die ANC se magsmisbruik geword (eerder as om dit te beperk)."
Helen Zille in haar onlangse Suid-Afrika Vandag, “’n Nuwe politieke afrekenbende”
Helen Zille in haar onlangse Suid-Afrika Vandag, “’n Nuwe politieke afrekenbende”
DA slams Bhisho's shortage of key heads of department
A TOTAL of five of the 13 Eastern Cape government departments are without permanent heads of department (HODs) and the province is expected to overspend by R3-billion in this financial year.
DA MPL Bobby Stevenson, who is a spokesman on finance, said this had emerged in response to a question to Premier Noxolo Kiviet. Read the full story in The Herald
DA MPL Bobby Stevenson, who is a spokesman on finance, said this had emerged in response to a question to Premier Noxolo Kiviet. Read the full story in The Herald
Ward 3 Chairman’s Annual Report - 2009/2010
I am honoured to present a brief report with regard to the activities of our branch for the period 21 July 2009 to 31 July 2010.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee as elected at the previous annual general meeting has changed somewhat compared to the current one. This was caused through the passing away of one of our members, Andrew Moyles, as well as the re-demarcation of the Municipal Wards. As already known to most of our members the municipal wards were increased from 10 to 15 and the old ward 3 has been subdivided into wards 3 and 8. The current Executive Committee for Ward 3 consists of myself as chairman, C Womersley (Vice Chairman), Henda Thiart (Secretary), Dr Nico Botha(serving ward representative/co-ordinator), Janus Davel and Dr Barry Vosloo.
Voter Registration
As a result of the subdivision of the old Ward 3 it should be noted that all registered voters East of Dr A D Keet road where it intersects with Noorsekloof road down to the sea and along the coast line to include Kabeljauws, along Da Gama road to the corner of Eden Glen (excluded) following the boundary of Eden Glen to Firethorne street up to the intersection with Dr A D Keet road, if not already registered in this ward please re-register. For easy reference one can check the code number of the voting station in one’s ID. In this case the number should be 1014 0017 00. The IEC will probably arrange for voters to register locally during JANUARY and FEBRUARY 2011. The actual dates and registration points will be announced at a later date. Registration can also be done during office hours at the IEC offices at the Country Club in Humansdorp.
Recruitment of Members
As already known to most the D A Head Office resolved that members should be recruited via the holding of house meetings and door to door visits. In ward 3 eight house meetings were already held . I want to take this opportunity to place my sincerest thanks and appreciation on record to those owners who made their residences available for the holding of these meetings. Not only the reception was cordial but also the reaction from those who attended was positive and mostly all enrolled as members of the D A and made substantial contributions towards the enhancement of the funds of the party. Our aim is to enrol at least 300 new members. The current number enrolled is 131.
Where e-mail addresses are available those members are already receiving information on a regular basis. Where Cell Phone numbers are available it is fed into the data base of the DA and members might receive communiqués directly from the head office. I know for a fact that some members received reminders from the DA head office with the last General Election reminding them to vote. We now also have a blog. It is called “DAtanet”. Click here to obtain access. The blog is administered by Dr. Barry Vosloo.
a) Our main object is to win the 2011 Municipal Election! We believe it is possible!
b) Furthermore we want to recruite members on a continuous basis.
c) To involve the youth over the age of 18 and to make sure they are registered as voters and will be able to vote in 2011.
d) To encourage new comers into our ward to make sure their names are on the voters roll and they will be able to vote in 2011.
e) To, if you feel free to do so, encourage friends residing in ward 3 to make their residences available for the holding of house meetings.
Lastly, my sincerest thanks and appreciation to each member of the Executive Committee for their support and kind cooperation.
Johan Thiart
I am honoured to present a brief report with regard to the activities of our branch for the period 21 July 2009 to 31 July 2010.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee as elected at the previous annual general meeting has changed somewhat compared to the current one. This was caused through the passing away of one of our members, Andrew Moyles, as well as the re-demarcation of the Municipal Wards. As already known to most of our members the municipal wards were increased from 10 to 15 and the old ward 3 has been subdivided into wards 3 and 8. The current Executive Committee for Ward 3 consists of myself as chairman, C Womersley (Vice Chairman), Henda Thiart (Secretary), Dr Nico Botha(serving ward representative/co-ordinator), Janus Davel and Dr Barry Vosloo.
Voter Registration
As a result of the subdivision of the old Ward 3 it should be noted that all registered voters East of Dr A D Keet road where it intersects with Noorsekloof road down to the sea and along the coast line to include Kabeljauws, along Da Gama road to the corner of Eden Glen (excluded) following the boundary of Eden Glen to Firethorne street up to the intersection with Dr A D Keet road, if not already registered in this ward please re-register. For easy reference one can check the code number of the voting station in one’s ID. In this case the number should be 1014 0017 00. The IEC will probably arrange for voters to register locally during JANUARY and FEBRUARY 2011. The actual dates and registration points will be announced at a later date. Registration can also be done during office hours at the IEC offices at the Country Club in Humansdorp.
Recruitment of Members
As already known to most the D A Head Office resolved that members should be recruited via the holding of house meetings and door to door visits. In ward 3 eight house meetings were already held . I want to take this opportunity to place my sincerest thanks and appreciation on record to those owners who made their residences available for the holding of these meetings. Not only the reception was cordial but also the reaction from those who attended was positive and mostly all enrolled as members of the D A and made substantial contributions towards the enhancement of the funds of the party. Our aim is to enrol at least 300 new members. The current number enrolled is 131.
Where e-mail addresses are available those members are already receiving information on a regular basis. Where Cell Phone numbers are available it is fed into the data base of the DA and members might receive communiqués directly from the head office. I know for a fact that some members received reminders from the DA head office with the last General Election reminding them to vote. We now also have a blog. It is called “DAtanet”. Click here to obtain access. The blog is administered by Dr. Barry Vosloo.
a) Our main object is to win the 2011 Municipal Election! We believe it is possible!
b) Furthermore we want to recruite members on a continuous basis.
c) To involve the youth over the age of 18 and to make sure they are registered as voters and will be able to vote in 2011.
d) To encourage new comers into our ward to make sure their names are on the voters roll and they will be able to vote in 2011.
e) To, if you feel free to do so, encourage friends residing in ward 3 to make their residences available for the holding of house meetings.
Lastly, my sincerest thanks and appreciation to each member of the Executive Committee for their support and kind cooperation.
Johan Thiart
Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering: ANC-voorstelle spreek Suid-Afrika se krisis in openbare gesondheidsorg nie aan nie
(Click here to read the English text)
Mike Waters LP, die skaduminister van gesondheid, het die voorgestelde Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering (NGV) gekritiseer. Hy sê die Demokratiese Alliansie glo nie dit sal die probleme wat die stelsel vir openbare gesondheid teister, genoegsaam aanspreek nie. Hy sê dit verteenwoordig meer burokrasie en meer sentralisering, en sal die probleme in openbare gesondheid dus in werklikheid net vererger.
Waters sê die ANC se redes vir ’n NGV berus op ’n behoefte om universele gesondheidsdekking te bied, maar openbare gesondheidsorg in Suid-Afrika is reeds universeel, want enige burger en inwoner van die land het daartoe toegang. Niemand word by ’n instelling vir openbare gesondheid weggewys nie, en die armes kry gratis gesondheidsorg, sê Waters. Die eintlike probleem lê by gehalte, en dit word gedurig deur die ANC-regering geïgnoreer, veral omdat hy daarop aandring om die stelsel vir openbare gesondheid as ’n werktuig vir sy politieke programme van kaderontplooiing en sentralisering te gebruik, sê Waters.
Navorsingstudies na die toestand van die openbare gesondheidsektor toon dat vyf belangrike aangeleenthede geïdentifiseer word:
Mike Waters LP, die skaduminister van gesondheid, het die voorgestelde Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering (NGV) gekritiseer. Hy sê die Demokratiese Alliansie glo nie dit sal die probleme wat die stelsel vir openbare gesondheid teister, genoegsaam aanspreek nie. Hy sê dit verteenwoordig meer burokrasie en meer sentralisering, en sal die probleme in openbare gesondheid dus in werklikheid net vererger.
Waters sê die ANC se redes vir ’n NGV berus op ’n behoefte om universele gesondheidsdekking te bied, maar openbare gesondheidsorg in Suid-Afrika is reeds universeel, want enige burger en inwoner van die land het daartoe toegang. Niemand word by ’n instelling vir openbare gesondheid weggewys nie, en die armes kry gratis gesondheidsorg, sê Waters. Die eintlike probleem lê by gehalte, en dit word gedurig deur die ANC-regering geïgnoreer, veral omdat hy daarop aandring om die stelsel vir openbare gesondheid as ’n werktuig vir sy politieke programme van kaderontplooiing en sentralisering te gebruik, sê Waters.
Navorsingstudies na die toestand van die openbare gesondheidsektor toon dat vyf belangrike aangeleenthede geïdentifiseer word:
- Wanbestuur van geld
- Sentralisering
- Swak bestuur weens onvanpaste bestuursaanstellings
- Swak toestande in hospitale
- Tekort aan vaardige gesondheidsorgpersoneel
12 October, 2010
South Africa: The Good News
Stand up and be counted
South Africans countrywide have been called to participate in Census 2011. This is the third national census since the advent of democracy.
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More cases processed by SA courts
Around 1200 cases were finalised in high courts across South Africa in the 2009/10 financial year. This number is up by 12.5 percent compared to the previous year.
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Convicts can be rehabilitated
Justin Foxton of Stop Crime Say Hello tells the amazing story of Lucky - proving that, with the correct influences and the help of community, convicts can be rehabilitated back into society, live full and normal lives and succeed at the highest levels.
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About South Africa: The Good News
South Africa: The Good News is a news website that highlights the positive developments in South Africa. We are an independent organisation, apolitical and with no agenda other than to source and publish good news about our beloved country.
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South Africans countrywide have been called to participate in Census 2011. This is the third national census since the advent of democracy.
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More cases processed by SA courts
Around 1200 cases were finalised in high courts across South Africa in the 2009/10 financial year. This number is up by 12.5 percent compared to the previous year.
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Convicts can be rehabilitated
Justin Foxton of Stop Crime Say Hello tells the amazing story of Lucky - proving that, with the correct influences and the help of community, convicts can be rehabilitated back into society, live full and normal lives and succeed at the highest levels.
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About South Africa: The Good News
South Africa: The Good News is a news website that highlights the positive developments in South Africa. We are an independent organisation, apolitical and with no agenda other than to source and publish good news about our beloved country.
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Sonsopkoms oor Jeffreysbaai
Foto: Barry Vosloo, Jeffreysbaai
10 October, 2010
FET Colleges
Scant budgetary increase is blow to skills development and job creation
The announcement by the Department of Higher Education and Training that FET colleges should plan for no increase in the number of enrolments for 2011, and a scant 4.5% increase in their budget, is a severe blow for skills development and job creation. Given salary increases of 7.5% for educators, it is likely to result in a drop in the number of staff that FET colleges can employ, and the number of learners who can be trained. This cannot be allowed to happen. The DA calls on minister Nzimande to disband the wasteful and corrupt SETA system and rather use the billions allocated to these institutions to improve funding for FET colleges.
It is generally accepted that South Africa faces a major skills shortage. This has been cited as one of the main reasons for our failure to attain the targeted growth rate of 6% per annum. Yet the number of apprentices and students passing trade tests has been dropping consistently over the last two decades. The major reforms in training since the promulgation of the Skills Development Act in 1998 have not improved the situation. In many cases they have had a net negative effect. Capping FET college funding, and decreasing enrolments, will only worsen the skills shortage.
Click here to read more
The announcement by the Department of Higher Education and Training that FET colleges should plan for no increase in the number of enrolments for 2011, and a scant 4.5% increase in their budget, is a severe blow for skills development and job creation. Given salary increases of 7.5% for educators, it is likely to result in a drop in the number of staff that FET colleges can employ, and the number of learners who can be trained. This cannot be allowed to happen. The DA calls on minister Nzimande to disband the wasteful and corrupt SETA system and rather use the billions allocated to these institutions to improve funding for FET colleges.
It is generally accepted that South Africa faces a major skills shortage. This has been cited as one of the main reasons for our failure to attain the targeted growth rate of 6% per annum. Yet the number of apprentices and students passing trade tests has been dropping consistently over the last two decades. The major reforms in training since the promulgation of the Skills Development Act in 1998 have not improved the situation. In many cases they have had a net negative effect. Capping FET college funding, and decreasing enrolments, will only worsen the skills shortage.
Click here to read more
Health MEC must quit
THE DA is calling for Eastern Cape Health MEC Phumulo Masualle to step down because the health budget was overspent on entertainment, travel expenditure and accommodation for officials.
DA MPL Pine Pienaar said: “Accruals are at R500-million, irregular expenditure at R84-million, fruitless expenditure at R17-million, unauthorised expenditure of R776-million has been incurred, an overdraft exists of R450- million and about R800- million has been spent on erroneous OSD (Occupation Specific Dispensation) and HROPT (Human Resource Operating Team) payments.”
DA MPL Pine Pienaar said: “Accruals are at R500-million, irregular expenditure at R84-million, fruitless expenditure at R17-million, unauthorised expenditure of R776-million has been incurred, an overdraft exists of R450- million and about R800- million has been spent on erroneous OSD (Occupation Specific Dispensation) and HROPT (Human Resource Operating Team) payments.”
EU Education Grant
R1.1 billion grant means fewer excuses for Department of Education
The Democratic Alliance (DA) welcomed the European Union’s (EU) decision to support South Africa’s struggling basic education system with a grant of R1.1 billion over the next three years. This level of generosity suggests that the EU understood just how weak our education system was, and that it was keen to see us make progress in this area. Of course, with this windfall comes great responsibility, said Donald Smiles MP, Shadow Deputy Minister of Basic Education
The Democratic Alliance (DA) welcomed the European Union’s (EU) decision to support South Africa’s struggling basic education system with a grant of R1.1 billion over the next three years. This level of generosity suggests that the EU understood just how weak our education system was, and that it was keen to see us make progress in this area. Of course, with this windfall comes great responsibility, said Donald Smiles MP, Shadow Deputy Minister of Basic Education
Quote of the Week
"In Johannesburg, the Red Ants – the nickname given to the security firm the ANC employs to demolish illegally erected shacks – have gained notoriety for the brutal way they go about their business. Such is their reputation for ruthlessness that the DA decided not to employ their services in Cape Town.”
Helen Zille in her recent SA Today, “A new political hit squad”
Helen Zille in her recent SA Today, “A new political hit squad”
01 October, 2010
Teaching temps given a reprieve
The EC Department of Education has backtracked on its decision to terminate the contracts of temporary teachers in the province, citing “humanitarian concerns”.
In a statement, Edmund van Vuuren, the DA’s provincial spokesperson for education, said the DA maintained that the inhumane and authoritarian decision to terminate contracts before the end of the term went against best practices for quality teaching and learning.
In a statement, Edmund van Vuuren, the DA’s provincial spokesperson for education, said the DA maintained that the inhumane and authoritarian decision to terminate contracts before the end of the term went against best practices for quality teaching and learning.
Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering: DA vra volle besonderhede
(Click here to read English text)
Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) het ’n beroep op dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, die Minister van Gesondheid, gedoen om volledige besonderhede van die program vir die Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering (NGV) onmiddellik aan die publiek bekend te stel. Indien nie, moet die voorstel teruggetrek word totdat die besonderhede behoorlik verduidelik kan word.
Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) het ’n beroep op dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, die Minister van Gesondheid, gedoen om volledige besonderhede van die program vir die Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering (NGV) onmiddellik aan die publiek bekend te stel. Indien nie, moet die voorstel teruggetrek word totdat die besonderhede behoorlik verduidelik kan word.
Mike Waters LP, die skaduminister van gesondheid, sê die besonderhede wat bekend gemaak is, is vaag. Die ware, spesifieke besonderhede van die program is steeds duister.
Waters voeg by dat die Portefeuljekomitees op Gesondheid en Finansies by die proses betrek moet word. Parlementariërs, onafhanklike navorsers, nie-regeringsorganisasies en gewone burgers het ’n reg om die besonderhede van die voorstelle onder oë te kry, en dan daaroor debat te voer, sê hy.
Waters kritiseer die huidige toestand, en sê ’n potensiële groot opknapping van die stelsel vir openbare gesondheid word agter geslote deurE uitgevoer. In wese is dit ’n ondemokratiese en ondeursigtige manier van doen.
Waters spreek sy kommer uit oor die finansieringsberekenings waarmee die taakspan vorendag gekom het. Hy sê verskeie ander organisasies het berekenings gemaak wat op veel hoër kostes dui.
Lande met meer die drie maal Suid-Afrika se BBP sukkel met die finansies vir die inwerkingstelling van die soort stelsel wat blykbaar beoog word, sê Waters. Hy wys daarop dat die regering nie eens akkurate syfers het vir hoeveel spesialiste in die openbare sektor werk, of hoeveel die individuele dienste wat hy lewer, kos nie. Tensy daar ’n stelsel is om dié syfers te bepaal, is dit moeilik om vas te stel of die ANC se syfers akkuraat is, sê Waters.
Die DA stem met die ANC saam dat die stelsel vir openbare gesondheid dringend reggeruk moet word, want die huidige stelsel stort inmekaar. Waters sê bewyse dui op drie groot probleme in die gesondheidstelsel:
Verwydering van die onverklaarbare belemmerings vir die opleiding van professionele mediese personeel. Dit behels onder meer die verbod op die opleiding van geneeshere in die private sektor asook kwotas ten opsigte van die opleiding van verpleegsters deur die private sektor, en die heropening van verpleegsterskolleges wat in die jare negentig gesluit is.
Daar is steeds groot probleme met hospitale se vermoë en doeltreffendheid, en veral hul bestuurders. Die aanstelling van hospitaalbestuurders op grond van begunstiging eerder as geskiktheid vir die doel, belemmer die voorsiening van gesondheidsorg van gehalte in openbare instellings, sê Waters.
Die burokratiese en oudmodiese stelsel vir hospitaalbestuur moet verander word om hospitale se bestuur die gesag te gee om hul werk te doen. Basiese werksaamhede soos personeel-aanstellings moet veel minder rompslomp behels, sê hy.
Waters sê die DA steun sommige aspekte van die voorstelle, soos verpligte bydraes tot mediese dekking vir mense wat in diens is.
Quote of the Week
“We know that growing support for the DA depends on how well we perform – in opposition and in government. We sometimes must take tough decisions, but when we do so it is because our policies must work to create a context for job creation, service delivery, better education and health care. And we must at all times defend the constitution and the rule of law. These are the issues on which the voters should assess political parties and base their choice.”
Helen Zille in her recent SA Today, “ANC's fears are a sign our democracy is maturing”
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